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About Me

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Hello. Welcome to my blog. You can call me whatever you like: Aliskevo, A, etc etc. If you are wondering why my blog is all black and white it's not because i'm emo or goth or whatever, its because if i get a new skin or similar, the whole layout goes out the window. I'm into manga, drawing, photography, books (and lots of them), PS3 and mush more stuff. I keep this blog as a diary of my life, and writing down my thoughts... so enjoy! -A

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Music... again!

A month or so ago, you might of seen my post about my new subject: music. Well I had to go to school to do try-outs on instruments (saxophone, viola, oboe, french horn, ect.), and then put your top three preferences down. The music try-outs were actually pretty fun, apart from the fact the two of my brother's friends were there, showing how to play their instrument which was annoying. My top three preferences were:

  1. Cello
  2. Saxophone
  3. Violin

Which surprised me a bit, because I didn't like the violin at all until I tried it properly. Also, if I must say so myself, I was pretty good compared to the other kids!

Well, that's all for now! Over & Out.

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The internet!
Deviant ART
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My brother
All the HTML guides
Deviant Art
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And YOU!