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About Me

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Hello. Welcome to my blog. You can call me whatever you like: Aliskevo, A, etc etc. If you are wondering why my blog is all black and white it's not because i'm emo or goth or whatever, its because if i get a new skin or similar, the whole layout goes out the window. I'm into manga, drawing, photography, books (and lots of them), PS3 and mush more stuff. I keep this blog as a diary of my life, and writing down my thoughts... so enjoy! -A

Monday, October 1, 2007

Holidays rock!

It's finally holidays! Thank god for that!
Today I saw Rush hour 3 at the movies. It was pretty good, but some parts were a bit fake and unrealistic. But a good movie all the same.

I have just started a new book series Tomorrow, When the War Began. I have started to read it before, when I was younger, but I got into another book before I finished reading it. I am looking forward to finishing it because it has been in my "to read" list for a few years now!

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