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Hello. Welcome to my blog. You can call me whatever you like: Aliskevo, A, etc etc. If you are wondering why my blog is all black and white it's not because i'm emo or goth or whatever, its because if i get a new skin or similar, the whole layout goes out the window. I'm into manga, drawing, photography, books (and lots of them), PS3 and mush more stuff. I keep this blog as a diary of my life, and writing down my thoughts... so enjoy! -A

Friday, December 28, 2007

A really short post.

Hey everybody, sorry I haven't been on in ages, I got heaps busy at X-mas!
Anyway, as I said before I am going on holiday interstate. And I will be leaving tomorrow am 4am!! So See ya in 2 weeks!

Friday, December 21, 2007


Well as I have said previously, I am currently working on a novel Sintaru, and it has been a bit hard to tell you the truth. I have the basic plot covered, it is just difficult to get the beginning underway. It is not just: "oh, I think I'll write a book", and just sit down and start writing your bloody head off. No, it is quite hard actually. So a few nights ago for about 2 hours, I just lay in bed thinking of how to start off Sintaru. I came up with a few possibilities the next day, but eventually retreated to the Internet to find help from other authors. Later on I took the advice from a person, and now I'll start from the middle, and work my way out into the beginning! I hope it works, well... there is always plan 'B', but I don't want to do that plan. What is it, I hear you say? Well, I am not telling! If Plan 'A' fails, I will tell you of course, but I don't think that will happen. If I actually do finish Sintaru, there is still more work involved, like, checking, re-writing, checking again, writing, and so on. I hope it turns out okay, and when it is finished, I will hopefully post the first few chapters on here, or even devote a blog to it or something like that! Wow this is a big post! I hope I have inspired a few people to starting a novel! It would be great if someone did. I think I am all typed out now so I might stop. Then again, I am on a roll here! But I have to go anyway, thanks for bearing with me if you have read this far! Happy Christmas!

Thanks for the nice comments for my pictures guys! That made my day.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Heh! I'm kinda getting good at this, eh! Once Again I will name this guy after a character in my novel, Sintaru, this is him. Looks heaps animae. Pretty good looking for a vampire ay! Yes, Sintaru is about a vampire. Don't worry! I am not turning goth or anything! Also, remember, this picture is drawn in red on purpose, and no other colours
P.S: That is my Signature at the bottom right hand side of the page.

Cello = Zero!

Your probably sarcastically thinking: "oh great, she's on about music again, this will be fun". But what the hell I will talk about it anyway. Well I went down to a music store today to look at cellos for myself to buy. And Apparently, I everyone is buying for music at school next year at my high school! So the people at the music shop only have one left and it is only a half sized one, which are not for people as tall as me, more for younger kids. As the salesman was talking I was wondering if he was a gay. Because he talked really girl-like and wore this Hawaiian shirt- that was really freaking me out! Meh. Well, all in all, what a fun trip to the music store! Filled with wonder and magic [sarcasm] and penguins ! No- seriously there was a penguin in there. Not real of course! Ha hah...
Well that's all I can think of writing now so, see you later!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I drew this a few minutes ago, and it took about 25 mins. Worth it though. I didn't have a clue who she was, so I have decided to call her Faeya, after a character in my new book I am about to wright. It is called Sintaru. If you wanna' learn more about the book please post something in comments.
I drew this picture on paint by the way (and I have never drawn well in paint i would like to point out). And, I know she is on a slant, but she is leaning on a wall or something, but I couldn't be stuffed drawing one. Well to tell you the truth, I did draw a wall, but it turned out really crap, and decided not to draw it. Heh.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Schools out!!!

School is over!!! The end of year dance was totally cool!! This is awesome, no more annoying teachers or homework [leans back on chair] ahhh. Also to make things better, I am going on holiday interstate (and which state I'll keep to myself) and I'll be staying right on the beach! Sand, sun-- oh god I hope I don't get burnt, and surf!

Oh, and sorry for the late notice, I have been busy X-mas shopping an other stuff like that. It all gets very busy at this time of year, am I right? Heh. And of corse I inevitably won't be able to post on here whilst on holiday, so I will try do make some posts before I go. I will fill you in when I get back from my trip though!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oooh... burn!

Yesterday I went to the local pool for a party kind of thing with another class, you know, for a end of year thing. It was quite fun actually, there was a diving board, the water was like ice, heaps of food, friends etc.! With all that fun, something bad is bound to happen, right? Well when I got back from the pool, I went to have a shower, and when I got out I noticed a huge burn on my face, back, shoulders, and chest. God it hurts so much! Even as I am typing this, the T-shirt I am waring feels like sand-paper on my neck. Ow, ow, OW!!! And to make it all worse, I have a big school dance tomorrow! Aaaghh!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I just realised...!

I only have 5 days of school left! That ROCKS! No more boring school! Well, until next year at least. Also there are about 15 days until X~mas! Yay presents!

You have probably noticed that I have put music on the blog! I hope you respect it! (by the way- that was supposed to be a joke). Enjoy!

Friday, December 7, 2007


I have finally found out what instrument I was chosen for! drum roll please...... I got the...... CELLO!! Yay! Woo hoo!
So did two of my other friends. Hows that for luck? Well, at least I got what I wanted, not, like, the triangle or something like that. The down side is that a cello costs, like, roughly, $800! Ah well you can't have everything.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Maximum Ride!!!

If you read MR, you have probably seen this already! But if you have lived under a rock for the past few weeks, this is the next cover for the 4th MR book! I, personally dislike it. Really though- Golden wings? Super-man/women action? I like the others better. What do you think?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Music... again!

A month or so ago, you might of seen my post about my new subject: music. Well I had to go to school to do try-outs on instruments (saxophone, viola, oboe, french horn, ect.), and then put your top three preferences down. The music try-outs were actually pretty fun, apart from the fact the two of my brother's friends were there, showing how to play their instrument which was annoying. My top three preferences were:

  1. Cello
  2. Saxophone
  3. Violin

Which surprised me a bit, because I didn't like the violin at all until I tried it properly. Also, if I must say so myself, I was pretty good compared to the other kids!

Well, that's all for now! Over & Out.

Woo yeah!

It is December people! Time to get shoppin' for Christmas! I have a good feelin' about this year for some strange reason... meh, it's just a feeling. I really want a new camera and ipod. Plus I am going to Sydney, (just like every year) to meet relatives, cosins, uncles, aunties, ect. It'll be fun though.
Have a good summer everyone!


I have just got back from camp yesterday! It was pretty awesome, there was good food, good friends, and a lot more.
But there was one bad thing--
There were six birds (shags) that had been shot dead, hanging from trees at the beach... six of them. It was horrible! How could someone just kill innocent birds like that?! Birds deserve to fly free in the air 'till they lead a full life, happily, and die happily. Not let to rot in trees, and to be eaten by bugs and crows. Nothing deserves to die like that, no one... ever. Me and my friends even found the shotgun shell that killed those Shags.
We should do something about it too.


Thankyou to:

The internet!
Deviant ART
All my friends
My brother
All the HTML guides
Deviant Art
The people who give comments
And YOU!