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Hello. Welcome to my blog. You can call me whatever you like: Aliskevo, A, etc etc. If you are wondering why my blog is all black and white it's not because i'm emo or goth or whatever, its because if i get a new skin or similar, the whole layout goes out the window. I'm into manga, drawing, photography, books (and lots of them), PS3 and mush more stuff. I keep this blog as a diary of my life, and writing down my thoughts... so enjoy! -A

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Good afternoon.

I just realised i have over 600 pageviews! Cool! Thanks

I was playing LittleBig Planet yesterday, and I went online. As the Big fangirl i obvously am, I searched 'Death Note' in the community and found heaps of levels based on Death Note. I got inspired. As the big OBSESSIVE fangirl I am, I made a tutorial on how to make your SackPerson look like L and Beyond Birthday.
All the while, my brother was shaking his head in disbelief and shame i how his little sister is a bigger nerd than himself. Oh well!
Please check it out if you have the time; my online name is Aliskevo, belive it or not.

I hope everyone had a good Easter!
Hmmm, what else has happened?
I had a japanese exchange stay over for a week, which was pretty awesome. Her name was Mayuka. I think she had a blast in Australia, she really liked holding that koala.

I entered a Guitar Hero comp. at my high school, and me and my brother won! So cool. I gained the respect of most boys in my classes now.
My brother is extremely embarrassed though. Humourous.

There is a Anime and Video Game Expo on in a couple of months, so my and Hoffy are gonna go and Cosplay there (for the first time) I will go as Beyond Birthday, and Hoffy as L Lawliet from Death Note. [Pictures displayed Below]

L and BB by ~The-First-Lawliet on deviantART

L is After Beyond Birthday by ~kayokokitsune on deviantART

Sorry i havn't been bothered to update. Wait... no i'm not.
Good evening.



kiwi said...

hey Ali!!!
Fuess wat....
im moving to queensland!!!

Aliskevo said...

No!!! Aww...
*sigh* Queensland is niiiice... Watch out for frogs! :3
Can you give me your e-mail? I don't have your's anymore (doesn't work)...

kiwi said...

i have organise a going away party!!!!!!
got any ideas???

Anonymous said...

I'd like a coke, please.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] DS NetBrowze)

Anonymous said...

nice, i just brought tons of bran-new emo backgrounds 4 my blog

Anonymous said...

In general…
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Thankyou to:

The internet!
Deviant ART
All my friends
My brother
All the HTML guides
Deviant Art
The people who give comments
And YOU!