I can believe that I,
Am capable of giving roses,
Not thorns,
What are thorns?
I think they,
Seem like demons.
Vampires don't scare the people who
Stalk the demons
The stalkers are demons themselves
Streets are no sanctuary
At nigh-time
Night-time is the time for demons.
Watch the sun set
Your time will come rest
Back into the night
Friend or foe will keep you in sight
~400 pageviews!
Yep. I'm Back.
Singapore and Vietnam are exceptional, i must say. Especially Vietnam. The picturesque countryside, the glorious mountains of Halong Bay... Crossing the road is even an experience within itself; in about 100m of road, there would be at least 200 motorcycles.
Before i left, i went to a small village in the middle of no-where. It was quite interesting to see how people lived outside of the tourist area. The children started to follow us around: it was cute.
I will put pictures on here in the next post, hopefully. Or you could go to
School will be starting in about 2 or 3 weeks, i guess. Sigh. It will be interesting to see the new students though.
I have been reading a new Manga of late, its called
Death Note. It is really good! Almost as good as
Fruits Basket or
Vampire Knight.

[[Death Note]]
over and out,
Thankyou to:
The internet!
Deviant ART
All my friends
My brother
All the HTML guides
Deviant Art
The people who give comments
And YOU!