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About Me

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Hello. Welcome to my blog. You can call me whatever you like: Aliskevo, A, etc etc. If you are wondering why my blog is all black and white it's not because i'm emo or goth or whatever, its because if i get a new skin or similar, the whole layout goes out the window. I'm into manga, drawing, photography, books (and lots of them), PS3 and mush more stuff. I keep this blog as a diary of my life, and writing down my thoughts... so enjoy! -A

Monday, July 7, 2008


I got the new SketchBook I wanted on Sunday, and I kept up the tradition of drawing a picture on the second page of the SketchBook so I can look back on them later on. I drew a soldier in his teens with camo-pants, boots, and a black shirt. I thought it looked really good. I might put it on here, and DeviantArt later r when i have the time.
Also, yesterday i did a logo for the blog on paint. I will post it on here later as well.
Over and Out,



Anonymous said...

i just thought i'd write to you saying that i went on deviant art (great pics by the way) and to my complete dismay i saw that you had dedicated one of you pictures to a meg... what about me!!!

i trust that you know who this is by now and i just wanted to say... ********.

thanks and keep in touch,
love ? xxx

Aliskevo said...

Guh... Hello ANONYMOUS. <.<
OK then, I will dedicate a pic for you. (thanks for the comment by the way).

Oh, I dunno who this is, and they DIDN'T Call me at 10 in the morning. I was being sarcastic by the way.

Cool, i will.
-Skevo xox

{{ and for all those other people who don't know what the hell we are talking about, don't worry about it }}

Aliskevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yo Ali!!

OMG I haven't been on here for AGES!!!

My hair's, like really really really short now... woop

kk, cyaz


(ps... add to your msn contacts)


Thankyou to:

The internet!
Deviant ART
All my friends
My brother
All the HTML guides
Deviant Art
The people who give comments
And YOU!