Well, it is my last day of holidays... No more getting up at 1pm for me anymore! I got all my school stuff and it took, like, an hour and a half to get all my books, folders, pens, maths equipment labeled, and about 20-30mins to fill in my timetable into my diary. After all that was finished I put it all in my bag and lifted it and it feels as though as someone has put bricks in there. Fun-tastic! The bad thing about my school is that it is a Cristian school and I have "CLV"(Christian Living) as a subject! Just guess how fun that is, seeing that I happen to be an Atheist going to a Christian school... 'Yeah I thought so.' Well I think I have been rambling on about how Atheist I am, so I think I'll stop.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
[evil music]
I have school in a week or so!! OH NO. I don't want the holidays to end! Well, my first day is on Friday, but we don't do much on that day, we go to the pool for half the day basically! But the actual lessons start on Monday, and to make it worse I have Geography as my first lesson of the day, how fun.
Thursday, January 24, 2008

maybe i should of kept it Black 'n' White... and grey.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
[ Insert post title of your choice here ]
God, the first week or so of the holidays are fun then you go home and you are totally bored. All I did today was watch my big brother play Resistance on the PS3 (which isn't that bad really... who wouldn't like to watch chimera gun a few people down?!). Yesterday was good though, I actually did stuff. Like Froxxor called me and I went to his house for a while. The only bad thing about that we ran out of stuff to talk about and went on YouTube and Edd's World for a few hours which was fun.
Posted by Aliskevo at 1:46 AM
Labels on this post: cool stuff, cool things, holidays, movies
Friday, January 18, 2008
Do you like the new header I made for the blog? Well I think it is awesome! I like the writing. Anyway- I think I will get rid of the music, it gets annoying when I am listening to itunes, and when I'm reading posts. I think you'll agree.
Hey... This is my 45th post! Cool!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
"Stone the crows!!"
"Sir! The Chimera have Distroid the Blowler Hat Factory!!"
"The bastards."
"We're doomed sir!! Our sticks have no effect on them!!"
"Did you throw stones and call them names?"
"Yes! Nothing works!"
Heh heh! I think thats cool!
Posted by Aliskevo at 2:24 AM
Labels on this post: cool stuff, Picture
Monday, January 14, 2008
Well, just as I was getting better from my flu on holiday, I got... wait for it... ill again! This time it is Tonsillitis. God it is irritating! When I swallow it feels like I'm swallowing sandpaper. How fun.
And to make things worse, I was going to go to the local pool with some mates (Silent One, Trolly, Froxxor, etc.) and I am still feeling sick. I really wanna catch up too! Plus I have a birthday to go to on Thursday... grrrRRRAAAHHH [cough] [splutter]!!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Happy New Year!
Hooray for 2008! I can fill you in now on all the stuff I have done since I left. Here it goes!
Well, as I said I left at 4am on the car trip to my shack. There is not much to tell about that particular trip, so I'll cut to the chase. It took around 13 hours to get there, so you can guess that I was tired; at least there was a spectacular sunrise! When we arrived, we unloaded the car, and as soon as that was done, I crashed. The next day, I caught up with some old friends and went to the beach which was fun.
That next day I got terribly sick. I almost fainted, like 3 times which was a kick up the bum. So those next few days I did absolute nothing. zilch. Last week, before we got back my bro and I went to see I Am Legend. It was heaps good, I recommend that you see it! So that was a good way to burn some boredom.
And when we were packing the car to go home (6:30am) We realised that two boogie-boards had been stolen! The bastard. And one of them happened to be mine. Ironic huh? Anyway it was about 9-ish when we got home that night.
So there you have it, that is not all of it of course, but I just about summed it up. I'll see if I can find some good pictures to put on me blog later.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Yo! I'm Back!
I am finally back! It took sooo long! Plus I got sick for about a week which was fun. I'll fill you in more later... I have Trolly over!
P.S: Trolly says hi
Posted by Aliskevo at 8:04 PM
Labels on this post: by me, cool things, holiday, ouch
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